
Our gastrointestinal (GI) cancer team provides high-quality, state-of-the-art cancer care. We research new treatments and continually bring you the most up-to-date, advanced therapies.



The UCLA Health gastrointestinal (GI) cancer treatment team is a world leader in research and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer. 我们的综合护理团队包括 肠胃科, 肿瘤学家, 外科医生 and 放射科医生. We use the most up-to-date techniques and technologies to offer you the best chance for a cure. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康癌症项目排名第一. 在洛杉矶排名第一,在全国名列前茅 U.S. 皇冠hga025与世界报道.


每种胃肠道癌症的治疗方法: 我们可以诊断和治疗早期肿瘤, and our doctors are equally skilled at managing complex cancers such as neuroendocrine tumors, 胰腺癌, 胆管癌和肝癌. Our 肝移植项目 是世界领先的项目之一吗. We are also one of the only centers on the West Coast that offers advanced treatments such as hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC).  

公认的专业技能: Our doctors have been nationally and internationally recognized for their work in developing and using effective cancer therapies. 对于一些转移性癌症, 我们帮助开发了目前的标准治疗药物, 我们每天都在继续探索新的治疗方法.

获得新疗法: 我们进行临床试验,为符合条件的患者提供有希望的新疗法. 我们的团队领导着西海岸最大的胃肠道癌症临床研究项目.

全人护理: You have access to an array of cancer support services through the UCLA Health 约翰逊综合癌症中心. 我们提供咨询服务, 针灸, 通过皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校西姆斯/曼综合肿瘤学中心.

遗传学专业知识: 一些遗传性疾病会增加你患胃肠道肿瘤的风险. 我们的癌症遗传学家提供测试来帮助确定您的风险. 等我们拿到你的结果, 我们可以为您和您的家人推荐最适合的选择.


我们将为您提供从胃肠道癌症诊断到治疗的全方位服务. 我们的世界级服务包括:


We use multiple advanced imaging techniques to diagnose GI cancer accurately and precisely, 包括:

血管造影: 医生会给你的静脉注射造影剂. As it flows through your bloodstream, the contrast dye shows up brightly on X-rays, CT scans or MRIs. 我们可以用血管造影来分析肿瘤在血管和胆管中的生长情况.

CT扫描和核磁共振: CT scans use specialized computers and X-rays to produce images of the inside of the body. 核磁共振成像使用磁铁和无线电波来观察身体内部. Our specialists often use specialized CT scans and MRIs to find small tumors even deep in the body.

内窥镜超声检查: 你的医生放了一个小的, 柔性管(内窥镜)通过口腔进入消化道. The endoscope has a small device that uses soundwaves to create images of the tissue around it. We may use an endoscopic ultrasound to locate tumors in the esophagus, intestine or colon.

镓-68正电子发射断层扫描(PET) PET scans use injections of substances called radiotracers to precisely locate irregular cells or activity. 你会注射镓-68, 一种被神经内分泌肿瘤吸收的特殊放射性示踪剂. 医生用CT扫描检查你的身体内部, 镓-68在扫描上显示为明亮的斑块, 显示神经内分泌肿瘤的精确位置.


一些遗传因素会影响你患胃肠道癌的风险. Our 癌症遗传学家 and 肿瘤学家 work together to evaluate your genetic risk factors and determine your risk of future disease.

We work with you to help you understand your own health risks and how genetic risks affect your family. 我们一起帮助您做出有关您健康的重要决定.


If you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, finding support you can rely on is crucial. 我们提供全面的资源, 包括咨询, 精神上的支持, 营养研讨会, 冥想类, 支持小组和更多的 Simms/Mann- UCLA综合肿瘤学中心.


Our world-renowned team treats every type of cancer affecting the gastrointestinal tract, 包括:

肛门癌: 肛门组织中形成不规则的细胞, 大便排出身体的消化道末端.

胆管癌(胆管癌): 胆管中形成不规则的细胞, 在肝脏之间输送消化液的管道, 胆囊和小肠.  

结肠癌: 癌细胞形成于大肠(结肠). 了解更多有关结直肠癌的知识.

食道癌: Abnormal cells grow in the esophagus, the long tube that connects the throat to the stomach. 了解更多关于食管癌的信息.

胆囊癌症: 癌症始于胆囊,这是一个储存消化液(胆汁)的小器官。.

胃癌: 癌细胞在胃内壁形成. 了解更多关于胃癌的知识.

肝癌: 不规则的细胞在肝脏中形成, 胆汁:腹部产生胆汁并从血液中清除毒素的大器官. 了解更多有关肝癌的资讯.

神经内分泌肿瘤: 这种类型的癌症起源于神经内分泌细胞, 哪一种对神经信号有反应并将激素传递到全身. net可以在身体的任何部位形成.

胰腺癌: 胰腺中形成不规则的细胞, 胃:腹部帮助消化食物和控制血糖的器官. 了解更多关于胰腺癌的信息.

直肠癌: 癌细胞在直肠形成,直肠是连接结肠和肛门的管道. 了解更多有关结直肠癌的知识.

小肠癌: 非典型细胞在小肠中形成, the long tube that helps digest food and carry it from the stomach to the colon (large intestine).


我们的团队使用领先的治疗方案来识别和靶向癌症. 我们提供:



化疗: Patients take medications that destroy fast-growing cells in the body, including cancer cells. Patients with GI cancer may have chemotherapy along with other treatments such as surgery, 介入放射学或放射治疗.

放射治疗: 放射肿瘤学家使用高剂量的辐射来缩小或摧毁癌细胞. 患者可以接受外束放射治疗(EBRT), 它使用一种机器将辐射束对准人体. Or, 他们可能会接受内部放射治疗, 医生把辐射源放在体内的什么地方.

免疫疗法: 病人服用利用免疫系统对抗癌症的药物. 这些药可口服。, 通过注射或静脉注射给药.

靶向治疗: 也叫生物疗法, targeted therapy involves taking drugs designed to attack specific cancer cells without targeting healthy cells. 这些药物通常通过阻止癌细胞生长和形成新的癌细胞来起作用.

高温腹腔内化学灌流(HIPEC): HIPEC is an innovative treatment that sends chemotherapy directly to cancer in the abdomen. We may use this treatment if a GI cancer has spread into the abdomen's lining (peritoneum). 首先,外科医生切除腹部所有可见的肿瘤. Then, 他们插入了一个小的, hollow tube (catheter) and send chemotherapy drugs through the catheter into the abdomen. A specialized machine heats the chemotherapy drugs as they circulate in the abdomen for one to two hours. HIPEC can treat cancer cells that can be difficult to reach with traditional chemotherapy or radiation.

介入放射学: 介入放射科医师 地方小, 空心管(导管), 针头等工具通过血管直接靶向肝脏肿瘤. They may use chemoembolization, in which they place chemotherapy drugs directly on the tumor. Or, 他们可能会使用放射栓塞, 他们用放射性小珠阻断流向肿瘤的血液.

临床试验: These research studies investigate and find promising new therapies for gastrointestinal cancer. UCLA Health physicians conduct a variety of clinical trials to offer eligible patients the latest therapies.


Gastrointestinal surgical 肿瘤学家 may operate to remove as much of a tumor as possible while keeping healthy tissue intact. 他们也可以切除含有肿瘤的全部或部分器官. 我们采用多种先进的手术方法,包括:

内窥镜手术: 外科医生将内窥镜从口腔送入消化道. Then they place surgical tools through the endoscope to remove the tumor without making any surgical incisions.

腹腔镜手术: 外科医生在腹部开了几个小切口. 然后他们通过切口插入手术工具和照相机进行手术. This technique often leads to a quicker recovery with less pain and scarring than traditional open approaches.

机器人肿瘤切除: 使用机械臂, the surgeon makes a few small incisions in the abdomen and inserts the surgical tools through the incisions. 在切除肿瘤的过程中,外科医生一直控制着机器人. 机器人辅助手术可以提高精确度和可见度.

惠普尔手术: 这种高度先进和复杂的手术切除了胰腺的宽端(头部), 胆囊, 胆管和小肠的第一部分(十二指肠). 摘除这些器官后, 外科医生重新接上剩余的器官,以便正常消化. The Whipple procedure is one of the most effective treatments for 胰腺癌 confined to the head of the pancreas. It's a highly complex operation that only a handful of medical centers in the United States have the expertise to offer.


我们的胃肠道肿瘤医生在癌症治疗方面是世界知名的领导者. We research groundbreaking new therapies and bring our patients the most up-to-date treatments in real-time. You have access to the full range of available GI cancer treatment options so that you have the best possible chance of a positive outcome.


Call 888-662-8252 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的胃肠癌专家.


Our integrated care team provides comprehensive treatment plans to give you the best chance for a cure. Call 888-662-8252 了解更多关于胃肠道肿瘤的服务.