  • Beyond Diagnosis - classes start January 2024 and will be held online (view the 摩天观景轮)
  • CogniFitness Class - classes start in February, July and October 2024 (view the 摩天观景轮)
  • 生活得好与MS程序-课程开始于2024年3月(查看 摩天观景轮)
  • 锻炼 & MS类-类运行6月至8月2024(查看 摩天观景轮)
  • Free From Falls Program - classes run Saturdays, October-December 2024 (view the 摩天观景轮)

欲了解更多信息,请致电卡拉·德兰 310-267-4071 或电邮((电子邮件保护)).

The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的玛丽莲·希尔顿硕士成就中心 is a collaborative program offered by the UCLA Department of 神经学 and the Southern California & 全国多发性硬化症协会内华达分会. The philosophy of the MS成就中心 is that people 与女士 can be empowered to take control of their health and well-being with the help of educational and experiential programs. 为此目的, the center's programming is designed to provide wellness interventions that complement participants' medical management of their disease.

阅读更多关于该中心的工作 动力国家多发性硬化症协会杂志和皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康杂志 要害的迹象 面向皇冠hga020电脑版的季刊.

观看这个视频,了解玛丽莲·希尔顿和 希尔顿家族慷慨的遗产.

Whether you are 新诊断的 or have been living 与女士 for some time, 我们提供一个计划来帮助你实现你的健康目标. Please see the following description of each program and the month(s) each program is held.


The REACH to Achieve program is designed for people who have been living 与女士 for some period of time, 是否面临一个或多个与MS症状相关的生活挑战, 包括流动性, 应对能力, 记忆改变和去条件化, 他们准备好掌控局面,做出个人改变.

在共享支持的环境中, REACH to Achieve provides tools and strategies for you to improve and/or maintain your functional independence. REACH主要关注四个方面:

  1. 身体健康: Customized fitness programs with our expert staff help members to reach individual fitness goals. Group fitness activities like yoga and tai chi also help improve or maintain functional abilities and mobility.
  2. 情绪健康通过我们的艺术疗法, 群体和情绪健康干预, 会员学会减轻压力,改善他们的情绪健康.
  3. 娱乐健康:会员参加音乐治疗, 游戏, 日志记录, 自适应园艺, 皇冠hga020电脑版项目和认知刺激活动.
  4. 健康教育:我们的内部专家分享有关疾病管理的信息, 症状管理, nutrition and general health practices to help members make optimal lifestyle and health decisions in conjunction with their personal physicians. Guest experts from UCLA and the greater community provide lectures on specialty topics throughout the year.

会员每周参加一天的课程,持续进行. Our program is offered on a sliding fee scale and is accessible to everyone. 迈出优化健康的第一步, 请填写以下申请表:

如有其他问题,请联系中心工作人员, 请致电(310)267-4071或发电子邮件给Kara Deliman, 执行主任: (电子邮件保护).

Living Well 与女士 Program(3 - 5月)

对于那些 新诊断的 与女士, the Living Well 与女士 program offers an integrative approach to wellness and MS that introduces participants to information, strategies and tools they can use to develop a lifestyle program that optimizes their well-being. 在为期12周的课程中,参与者将:

  • 制定一个全面的个人健身和营养计划.
  • 了解和更好地管理MS症状,包括疲劳和压力.
  • 发展情感和精神健康的做法,与MS生活得很好.
  • Increase their 应对能力 with the diagnosis and the unpredictability of MS.
  • 认识其他新诊断为多发性硬化症的人,建立一个支持网络.

Living Well 与女士混合了互动性, 在线学习和活动与锻炼, educational and emotional wellness sessions that are held at the Center on Saturdays in order to accommodate busy work and school schedules. 该方案由中心的卫生专业人员提供协助, and delivers different program topics with targeted educational and experiential sessions such as managing stress, 理解疲劳, 补充和替代疗法, taking control of your personal health and strategies for sustained success. 参与者进行健身练习以增强力量, flexibility and cardiovascular 耐力 by engaging in a variety of educational and experiential physical health sessions, 从锻炼到压力管理再到瑜伽. Living Well 与女士 participants receive a comprehensive notebook of educational materials and handouts on a variety of exercise topics, 教育的女士, 营养和情绪健康.

下载并完成课程申请(PDF) 朝着优化你的健康迈出第一步.
如有其他问题,请联系中心工作人员, 请致电(310)267-4071或发电子邮件给Kara Deliman, 执行主任: (电子邮件保护).


Beyond Diagnosis is a half-day program for those diagnosed 与女士 within the last 两年. Join MS professionals from the Center and the 美国多发性硬化症协会 in an open conversation about MS and how wellness practices can help you live your best life 与女士.

  • 通过这一互动对话,参与者将:
    • 更好地了解治疗多发性硬化症及其症状的方法,
    • 通过MS了解健康实践如何融入健康生活。
    • Have a chance to connect and share with others managing a new diagnosis and
    • 发现 all the resources available through the 美国多发性硬化症协会 to understand and manage life 与女士

请致电(310)267-4071或发送电子邮件至执行董事卡拉·德罗兰: (电子邮件保护).


CogniFitness is an interactive four-week program held on Saturday mornings for individuals 与女士 who are experiencing 温和的 认知问题. It is led by speech pathologists and provides strategies for dealing with common 内存 and cognitive challenges that can accompany MS including attention, 内存, 组织, 解决问题和批判性思维的能力.

请致电(310)267-4071或发送电子邮件至执行董事卡拉·德罗兰: (电子邮件保护) 来询问我们的下一个认知项目.

运动与MS -综合健身方法(6 - 8月)

锻炼和多发性硬化症是一个为期12周的项目,专门为那些有能力的人设计 有或没有拐杖或助行器,可以轻松行走至少25英尺. Learn how exercise improves overall wellness and also helps manage MS symptoms.

  • 这个教育和锻炼计划将帮助你:
    • 了解运动如何对多发性硬化症产生积极影响.
    • 学习如何克服锻炼的障碍.
    • 在三个关键领域进行练习:平衡和身体意识, 功能健身与放松, 和灵活性.
    • 为实现个人目标制定一个行动计划.

请致电(310)267-4071或发送电子邮件至执行董事卡拉·德罗兰: (电子邮件保护) 询问我们的下一个锻炼和MS项目.


Free From Falls is an eight-week fall prevention program designed specifically for people 与女士 谁能轻松行走或不用拐杖,但可能有摔倒的危险. It is held on 8 consecutive Saturdays to accommodate busy work and school schedules.


  • 提高对可能导致跌倒的因素的认识.
  • Identify strategies you can use to prevent falls in your home and community.
  • 参与并制定一个健身计划来提高平衡能力, 耐力, 力量和灵活性,以减少跌倒的风险.
  • Increase your confidence to avoid falls and to manage falls, if they do occur.

在一个有趣的, 支持性团体氛围, 康复专家指导员, health and wellness will help you develop a personal plan to maximize your safety and well-being.
请致电(310)267-4071或发送电子邮件至执行董事卡拉·德罗兰: (电子邮件保护) 询问我们的下一个自由瀑布项目.



  • 医疗主任: 凯文·帕特尔医学博士
  • 执行董事: Kara Deliman, MS, CPT, CES
  • 娱乐医生: Stacy Nonoguchi, RTC, CTRS
  • 理疗师: Prachi Vira, PT; Kamini Parikh, PT
  • 职业治疗师: Kristina Checklick, OTR/L; Veronica Lee, MS, OTR/L, CSRS
  • 艺术治疗师: 安妮·加尔布雷斯,LMFT
  • 言语/语言病理学家: Britta Schramm, MA, CCC-SLP; Lisia Paskay, MS, CCC, SLP
  • 适应性艾扬格瑜伽老师: 道格·迪,厄明·克鲁兹


  • 凯文帕特尔,医学博士,主席
  • Bruce Dobkin,医学博士
  • 弗洛雷斯深重
  • 丽莎Guerette
  • Jon弹奏
  • 杰弗里·白




电话: 310-267-4071
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护) 





请发邮件给Kara Deliman ((电子邮件保护))询问我们的义工机会.

电子邮件 我们想知道你能为我们的努力做些什么.



今天捐赠   给: Your gift to the Marilyn Hilton MS成就中心 makes a difference.

The Center remains committed to continuing our programs during the pandemic. Our goal is to help our members continue to follow healthy lifestyle habits, 在教育中与他人皇冠hga025, 支持性和有趣的环境, and learn more about how to manage their lives and MS during this trying time.
Center staff are onsite and offering our REACH to Achieve program in person and remotely via Zoom. We are following all the recommended safety precautions including temperature and symptom screening at the door, face masks (and face shields/safety glasses for staff working in close proximity), 物理距离, 经常洗手和消毒表面. For the latest information on all of our programs, please call the Center directly at (310) 267-4071.
